Pastor Pius Wawire Desk Here are some special days that you want to put on the calendar. As you remember we have an objective of reaching more people for Christ in our community. I want to encourage you to consider inviting friends and family to the following special days. God is calling each one of us to be agents of change. The ripple effect begins with you and I. We have a message of life and death and we must deliver it now. In one of the sessions in the Ripple Effect: Mission impossible turned possible class, we concluded that we “hold the destiny of many people in our hands” Roman 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, and Romans 6:23 gives us the hope that we have, it says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Let us use this opportunity to share the love of Christ. Mark them on your calendar. We will give you more information as the dates approach. Let us get ready to be used by the Lord.
Pot Luck Service Day Sunday, May 6, 2012 - Pot luck service. See Evie Kusumo and Evelyn Orielina. This is going to be more than the normal Pot luck. We are going to have an International Pot Luck Mothers’ Day Sunday, May 13, 2012, We want to honor all mothers, let show our appreciation at Sunday service. So come and join us as we celebrate mothers day. We will be having a Guest Speaker
Baptism Sunday, June 10, 2012, We want to rejoyce with the new saint's, let us know if you want to be Baptised. Please sign up and invite your friends to come and celebrate with those that are going to be baptised
Children's Ministry Saturday, July 28, 2012, We want to reach the children in our community with the love of Christ. It is going to be a fun day with Jumpers, popcorn, and cotton candy. We will also let you know about a Vacation Bible School (VBS) day
Women's Ministry Sunday Sunday, August 12, 2012, This is a special day when the Women’s ministry of Church of the Open Bible will lead the service. They will take charge of Sunday service, including worship. They will have a choice to lead worship and or use a guest speaker
Men's Ministry Sunday, September 9, 2011, Men of the church of the Open Bible Church will take charge for the Sunday service, to include worship. They will have a choice to lead worship and or use a guest speaker
The whole church Outreach Sunday, October 13, 2012, BBQ Outreach -The Ripple Effect: Mission Impossible turned possible. Let us touch people by providing a meal. Join us at Mc Adams Park. There will be more information to come and I am so excited and looking forward to being part of what God is doing in our church and in Palmdale.