bring you New Year's greetings and wishes for a joyous and happy
2011. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for Agua
Viva for this New Year and we stand ready and willing to be His hands to use
however He sees fit.
Mexico Mission 2010/2011

what a celebration it was with Dolores, Gloria & Olga, handing out
individual backpacks filled with clothing, school supplies, toys, toiletries,
etc. for 180 pre-registered children and The Bridge Church, handed out over 200
shoebox gifts to those not receiving backpacks. Mothers were
treated to special gifts as well. Approximately 400 people were
served carne asada, beans, rice, tortillas, juice & cupcakes after
hearing the precious story of the birth of Jesus as the reason for the season! It is such a blessing to us to observe the "growth" in the people
in the community. Six years ago, when we held the first party at this
location everyone sat and listened, expressionless and would not respond when
asked questions or participate in any way. Now, the kids answer questions
about Jesus, they participate in games, and are eager to interact with the
visiting groups, etc. Thank you to all who contributed to make this 8th
annual event such a success. Also thanks goes to Rosalba & Joaquin's
group for blessing the community with gifts as well.
has been home for Christmas as well. She received a 4.0 again
this past semester. We are so very proud of her accomplishments. However, without funding she will not be able to
continue her studies in the United States. She needs approximately
$3,000 for this upcoming semester. It will be a shame if after
having completed the last 2 1/2 years so successfully, (including being on the Dean's List), that she will have to go back to school in Mexico. Many of you know it is her dream to become a
Dr. and her path to get her there would have been through the nursing program
and working in the States. She has already, with your help, received her
AA in Science, graduating with honors, but without sponsorship, she cannot do this. Please, if you can help, contact us. She is a focused, determined, young
lady who will excel in anything she sets out to do.
are asked frequently about our needs. To prioritize they would be 1)
Financial (money for propane, electricity, gasoline, supplies, etc.) 2) Food or
money for food (we are preparing 80 to 120 meals per day). Our cupboards
are pretty bare but praise God, He has seen that we are able to continue
to feed something to those that come. 3) Volunteers. Please write to us if we can answer any questions you might
have about any of these needs. We do have a Needs List that
we can e-mail you upon request as well. Again,
we thank everyone that is reading this newsletter as you have touched our lives
in some way, either through prayer, visits or donations. Your ongoing
support & prayers are what keeps us going.