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Technical Support 

These funds are used for the support, upgrades, and  maintence of the audio/video equipment, as well as to support the Worship Ministry 
Children's Fund

We have three children's ministries. These funds are used to provide sunday school supplies, toys for toddlers, and support Youth Group events.

These funds are for the main church and used for the building, maintence, bills and of course our website.  
Tithes are 10% in accordance with The Word
Outreach Fund (Local)

A local outreach fund is nessary to reach out to our community. Providing Food, Clothing, Bibles and other things, such as hosting a free lunch to members in our community
Missions Fund (International)

We believe in "The Great Commission."
Providing Food, Clothing, Bibles and other things to the International Community, such as emergency disaster relief.
We believe in giving to God. Giving from your heart is an offering that is
priceless to Him. God will bless you with His riches and Glory which are:
Joy, Love, and Peace that will give you security in Him.
We thank you for your support and God bless you.